Allie Kumara
Galactic-Angelic Dragon-Human Hybrid
My parallel dragon aspect and I have merged physically and in consciousness and together we birthed a new being, a galactic-angelic dragon-human hybrid consciousness. We are using the name Allie Kumara. Allie is the anchoring energy for the earthly domain and Kumara is the genetic and energetic connection to Sanat Kumara and the Kumara dragon lineage as well as our broader galactic-angelic family.
Aurora Energy Healing
The name Aurora is not only representative of the Aurora's, but of the constantly changing, evolving, flowing state that is our consciousness. My oversoul has been taking my consciousness on a journey in which numerous aspects of my collective are incarnating through my body. I have had many soul "walk-in" type experiences starting at age 4. I awakened to this only recently with the arrival of the aspect that called itself "Aurora." Her arrival brought the awareness of this process and I have since had several other walk-in's. The most recent and the most powerful has been that of my dragon aspect.
As a portal keeper, we open portals to higher dimensions channeling earthly, angelic, and galactic energies, frequencies and vibrations for the healing of the planet and for all beings in and around the earth. ​​As a multidimensional healer, channel, artist, and 5D energetic architect, we are supporting humanity through healing, empowerment, creativity, DNA activations, and fostering multidimensional-awareness, healing, education, and parenting, and offering products that are vibrational medicine for the soul. ​